Stories of transformation
The Construction Process with Adam Sgrenci
"It's not about the product, it's about the process." This is the mantra that Adam Sgrenci extols when he talks about applying regenerative values and principals to the field of construction management. Adam's work as the co-founder of the Center for Infrastructure and Society often put him in project management roles to help advance large-scale regenerative projects around the globe.
Deinfrastructuring with Steven Baumgartner
The infrastructure that our society is built upon is large and complex. Outside of roads, bridges, and buildings the we can see, much of the infrastructure is out of sight. We know that there is an electrical grid, sewer systems with waste water treatment plants, and hundreds of thousands of fiber optic cables, but most people don't know how it all works.
The Regenerative Way with Emmanuel Pauwels
Imagine a deep ecological thinker that lives in the breathtaking Spanish Pyrenees in a 700 year old hand-built house that captures all of its own energy from the sun, harvests all the water it needs from the rain, and invites nature into the heart of the home. That is Emmanuel Pauwels.
Scaling Green Developments with Aaron Fairchild
Buildings account for nearly 40% of all energy consumed globally and are notorious for wanton waste. One person that has answered that question is Aaron Fairchild, co-founder and CEO of Green Canopy.
Developing a Living Community with Matthew Grocoff
When the Living Building Challenge was launched in the early 2000’s many people thought that it was impossible. And in many places illegal. Two decades later developers, architects, contractors, and visionaries are pushing the envelope and designing entire communities based upon the aspirational and rigorous Living Building guidelines.
Changing the Real Estate Industry with Craig Foley
In an ever changing and complex world, the real estate industry must change. The change needs to come from all levels: from designers and architects, builders and developers, planners and policy makers. This is especially true for real estate agents.
The Ecology School with Drew Dumsch
For twenty-two years The Ecology School has been teaching people how to tune into and read the pattern language of nature. The school aims to transform how people think about science, food, the environment, and themselves through joyful, hands-on learning for all ages.
Natural Burials with Jodie Buller
On this tiny spec we call home in the universe, matter is neither created nor destroyed. Every living thing is created from the Earth. Death and life are the two sides of the same coin. They are both constant and infinite, yet we experience them as finite.
Healthy Home Design with Kate Hamblet
As life has drastically changed for many of us in the past year, we begin to look at our spaces differently. We not only spend the majority of time within our homes, but also in the spaces between our homes. For most of us, however, these spaces were not designed in order to promote health and wellbeing.
Permaculture Design for Metropolises with Andrew Faust
Permaculture is a creative design process based on whole-systems thinking informed by ethics and design principles. This approach seeks to mimic the patterns and relationships we can find in nature and can be applied to all aspects of human habitation, from agriculture to ecological building, from appropriate technology to education and even metropolises.
Holistic Management with Bobby Gill
As we all collectively search for solutions to address the large, complex problems we are facing in the 21st century, The Savory Institute is taking a bold lead with a land management framework that is helping to regenerate land, sequester carbon, reconnect the hydrological cycle, and springboard biodiversity across continents.
Permaculture Disc Golf Country Club with Justin Dolan
Living in Costa Rica close to the beach in a tropical paradise is a dream many people have, but seldom pursue. That's not the case for Justin Dolan, the visionary and developer behind St. Michael's Sustainable Community.
Sustainable Real Estate Investing with Seth Nowak
In a world with millions of rental properties, very few landlords are thinking beyond the single bottom line. The mainstream dogma of the industry teaches new investors to just focus on the numbers, yet ignores the potential impact that an investor can make by infusing sustainability into their properties and portfolios.
Regeneration for Social Change with Ashley Colby Fitzgerald
Ashley Colby’s life is one in which passion meets purpose. She dared to take the road less traveled; the road that many of us only glimpse in bleary-eyed daydreams. To venture into the unknown, guided by a burning question of “What could be?” takes a leap of faith. It is an act that tests your resolve, questions your motives, grades on your patience, and thus, builds your resilience.
The Regenerative Hustle with Hobbs Magaret
When we stop viewing nature as something we dominate, yet instead work with, transformation will happen. The land manager becomes a steward that is in partnership with nature to build soil biology so that life can flourish. The enigmatic Hobbs Magaret, founder of Sisters Cattle Co, was once a professional musician living in Los Angeles.
Building Solar Villages with Ryan Wallace
The Solar Village Company develops residential homes for sale and rent in sustainable communities that produces their own energy, food and water. They also build semi-custom Net Zero modular homes for clients wanting off-grid housing options.
Ecosystem-based Approaches with Keith Bowers
Well into our way into the era of the Anthropocene, the defining work of the 21st century will be on revitalizing and regenerating land and habitat. Tune into an insight interview with Biohabitats founder Keith Bower as he talks about his life’s work restoring ecosystems.
Regenerative Real Estate with Adam Sgrenci
The construction industry does not have a sterling reputation when it comes to sustainability. In fact, studies how that the construction sector contributes to 23% of air pollution, 50% of climate change, 40% of drink water pollution, and 50% of landfill waste. One organization, fortunately, is seeking to change that.
Book Review: Braiding Sweetgrass
It’s a sad view that to “save” the earth, we need to eliminate ourselves. There is another viewpoint, however, that we highly recommend you look into. That is from author and botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer.
Life in the Canopy with Django Kroner
Nested in the forest canopy in Red River Gorge in Kentucky one can find treehouses that are straight out of a magical storybook. Django Kroner founded The Canopy Crew after combining skills he picked up working for a timber frame home builder and his life’s passion for climbing.